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Father de Rotz Blog

I had a lot of winter under my feet.

Fukinoto, spring is almost here.
Wow, it smells nice.
Yuko mandarin oranges are often seen in the Sotome region.
Yuuko pepper is very popular.
I want to get better quickly.
Orange mandarin oranges, I don't often eat them normally.
The orange tangerine peel and the bitterness of the orange are addictive.
Natural plants faithfully wait their turn in the cold. Nature teaches us how to overcome the cold. These are my friends who make me feel relieved.
I made a slightly sweet peel for the cold season using ``Yuko'' and ``Daidai'', which are pleasing to the eye with their beautiful colors. Pinch a peel while enjoying the aroma of black tea. What a luxurious time. Yuuko pepper is also an indispensable seasoning for sashimi and seasonal hot pot dishes.
Please stay warm in the cold for a little while longer.
Former Shitsu Aid Center
● Opening hours
 Tue-Sat: 9: 00-17: 00
 Sun: 11: 00-17: 00
(Final reception 16: 30)
● Closed days
 Monday (in the case of a holiday, the next day)
 2696-1, Nishishitsu-machi, Nagasaki-shi
 TEL 0959-25-1002
 FAX 0959-25-1006

Vauxsuraure reservation
 TEL 0959-25-0018
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