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Father de Rotz Blog

Sister Hashiguchi Hase, homecoming!

Sister playing the Harmonium
 On the evening of Wednesday, August 8, Sister Hashiguchi Hase returned quietly and calmly.
 For a long time, he was a sister who was loved and cherished by everyone.Thank you very much for your help.I asked the people I met at the rescue center, "How are you, Sister who was playing the organ? I was asked countless times.It was fresh, happy, and memorable to be invited by Sister to sing a chant to Harmonium.
 He was a laid back, warm and humorous sister. Even after he was 100 years old, he was a person who could make jokes and was loved by everyone.
 You're probably talking to God in heaven right now.Please pray for eternal rest.
Former Shitsu Aid Center
● Opening hours
 Tue-Sat: 9: 00-17: 00
 Sun: 11: 00-17: 00
(Final reception 16: 30)
● Closed days
 Monday (in the case of a holiday, the next day)
 2696-1, Nishishitsu-machi, Nagasaki-shi
 TEL 0959-25-1002
 FAX 0959-25-1006

Vauxsuraure reservation
 TEL 0959-25-0018
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